Living with Miracles Daily


by Keene Calipara

I was in Olongapo from April 19 to 26 to participate in a Mission Trip to make Jesus known to people in one of the cities in the Philippines. I was excited and expectant to witness firsthand how Jesus can move and make miracles in people's lives. Accounts of the previous years' Mission Trips also helped set my expectations - I was ready to experience something supernatural.

After 5 days of being in the trip, I found myself talking to God. I asked Him: "What's happening, Lord? Will you allow me to see your miracles?" I asked Him these questions with sincerity and with all humility in my heart, believing that He will give an answer to my queries. I was confident that I could always go to Him in my times of need for clarity. Whether He answers my questions or not, I had peace because He remains faithful even to the unfaithful.

My eagerness to see His miracles transformed into a calm assurance when God spoke to my heart with these lines...

"How old are you, Keene? You, being here in this Mission Trip is already a miracle. Multiply your age by 365 (days). That's how long you have been experiencing My miracles in your life. Multiply this by 24 (hours) and you'll know how many times I have been performing wonders in your life, whether you see it or not. I am a God of abundance and multiplication. If that's not enough proof of My miracles and goodness in your life, can you fathom how My goodness is magnified in the lives of other people you have encountered in your lifetime? Whether you acknowledge Me in your life or not, I have been with you every minute of the day. That is a miracle! Remember, less than 5 minutes without oxygen in your body, your brain cells start to die. If you want to experience and know the fullness of My miracles, goodness, and love, always remember about My Son Jesus." 

And just like that, I was in awe. I was more than convinced to live my life with God's miracles daily.

Genesis 2:7 NKJV "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being."